Norra Stånggatan 36

About the office

Available flexible office space in Tornby - perfect for the small or large company. Thinking of moving? Now you and your company can get a lease on one or more offices at Norra Stånggatan 36. For those who want and need, it is possible to rent the entire premises, which measures 330 square metres. If this is the case, you are of course free to use the entire space. If you choose to co-let with others, you will have a shared dining room, kitchenette, conference room and restrooms. In addition, there is a currently unfurnished section of around 100 square metres.


  • 24/7 access
  • Flexible terms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Conference and event facilities
  • Dedicated internet solution

Available offers

Hot desk

15 desks available

Fixed desk

10 desks available

Private office

1-20 people
8-75 m²

Private office

21-50 people
75-250 m²


51-200 people
250-750 m²

Surroundings and area

The premises are located about 100 meters from Stångån and its greenery. For the fitness enthusiast, Actic Tornet can be reached in about seven minutes on foot. In the area there are a number of other companies from various industries such as Spolab AB, PXS Service AB, Brodyr Konsult i Linköping AB and Altitude Access Scandinavia AB. The nearest restaurant is 300 metres away.


Norra Stånggatan is easily reached by bicycle via the Stångån walking path. It takes just nine minutes to get to or from Linköping's travel centre by bike. A distance that can be covered in fifteen minutes on foot. The nearest bus stop can be reached in six minutes. From there, it takes only five minutes by bus to Linköping Central Station. The E4 exit and entrance can be reached by car in about four minutes.
