Järdalavägen 2

About the office

The small company's office dream is located at Järdalavägen 2! Maybe you're a one-man business on a freelance basis or have your own start-up, maybe there are two of you and you need a base a few days a week. Nice Office could be the office solution for you! Because here you get a flexible office space with extra everything. Or how about furnished office space with round-the-clock access, kitchen, lounge, meeting rooms and a gym membership at Ekolmen Wellness Centre. Coffee, wireless internet and parking are included. The premises are very bright and stylishly decorated. Both the kitchen and the lounge are full of exclusive materials and furniture. There are several social areas where you can get to know your office neighbours organically.


  • 24/7 access
  • Flexible terms
  • Furnished offices
  • Meeting rooms
  • Phone booth
  • Wheelchair accessible

Available offers

Hot desk

15 desks available

Fixed desk

10 desks available

Private office

1-20 people
8-75 m²

Private office

21-50 people
10 m²

Surroundings and area

Ekholmen centre is within walking distance and here you will find shops, libraries, restaurants and other services such as gyms and more. There are several grocery stores in the shopping centre. In addition, there is a Lidl store across the road from the office.


In southeast Linköping you will find Ekholmen. From here it is easy to get to central Linköping. The travel centre is about 15 minutes away by bus. The centre of Ekholmen is only a short walk away.
